Services for Synagogues
Insurance Appraisals for Sefer Torahs and Judaica
Written appraisals for your synagogue’s insurance policy. We appraise Sefer Torahs, silver torah decorations, and museum collections of antique judaica.
Sefer Torah Inspections for Kashruth
Our expert sofers will review your synagogue’s sefer torahs for kashruth (Orthodox standards). If repairs are needed, we provide and estimate. Both manual and computer hagaah are performed.
Sefer Torah Restoration
We repair and restore old sefer torahs.
Sefer Torah Sales
New and restored. Prices start at $13,500 for used and $55,000 for new. AriZal, Beis Yosef, Sephard and Alter Rebbe are available.
Sefer Torah Purchasing
Have extra Sefer Torahs? We buy both restorable and un-restorable.
Consulting on Halachic Genizah and Burial Services for Unwanted Judaic Books
If your synagogue has seforim that are no longer needed, we can advise as to what to do with them in accordance with Orthodox Jewish law.